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Membership Application

We're excited you've decided to join us! Our dues are $45.00. Our membership year runs February 1 through January 31.


We offer 3 ways to join:

  1. Attend a New Member Informational Coffee meeting and complete the application process there.

  2. Download a printable application form at this LINK. Fill in the blanks, read and sign the Participation Waiver and Release of Liability Form.  Attach your $45 check, made out to WNC, and mail to the address shown on the form. 

  3. Complete and submit the online application form on this page. Fields with an asterisk are required. You can pay for your membership in one of two ways:

    • You can pay online via PayPal – either using a PayPal account or using your credit/debit card (you do not need a PayPal account to use our PayPal option).​

    • Or you can send a $45.00 check, made out to WNC, and mailed to: Ellen Ward, VP Membership, 8020 Celestial Ave #101, Las Vegas, NV 89128.​


Please note: If you choose to send a check, your membership will not begin until it is received and processed.

Vegas, women, social, club

Do not use Internet Explorer when joining our club. Please use Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, or your cellular phone.

You do not need a PayPal account to use our PayPal option.

Solicitation to WNC by any member or non-member is prohibited

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