Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
Can I try WNC before I join?
Activities offered by WNC are for members only. Non-members may attend a combination of a General Meeting/Luncheon or Activity as a member's guest not more than twice a year.
What do I get for my membership dues?
Membership includes participation in any activity, the monthly newsletter, the yearly electronic membership directory and a magnetized name badge.
What is the age range of the WNC Members?
All ages are welcome to join. Generally our members are 55 years and older.
Are ladies welcome from outside of the Westside Las Vegas area?
Yes! Although the majority of our members are from the West Valley area, many members hail from North Las Vegas and Henderson.
How do I go about making friends?
Be active! Attend our monthly luncheons which have wonderful programs. Attend different activity group events. Offer to volunteer at a luncheon or with the Board or to start a new activity group. Contact the Activity Coordinator for ideas.
Are husbands or others included in the activities?
Some activities, like Burger Night, Day Trippers, Hiking, Socializers, and Happiest Happy Hour, allow for husbands, friends, and significant others to attend.
What do my membership dues cover?
WNC is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization and membership dues cover our operating costs. The major items your membership dues cover include the monthly newsletter, our Club insurance and New Member Coffee meeting space. The dues also cover the entertainment at our luncheons. Several times per year, the Club also subsidizes special luncheons to keep the costs low to our members. All Westside Newcomers Club board members and Activity Chairs/Co-Chairs are volunteers and do not receive remuneration for their work.
What if you don’t have an activity group I’m interested in?
Members should contact the Activity Coordinator and ask about starting a new group! All our groups are organized and led by our members.
What do I do if I don’t receive my monthly newsletter?
Contact the VP of Membership.
How long does my membership last?
Annual membership runs from February 1st to January 31st. You can renew your membership through the website (Renewals), in person, or mail by sending your dues to the current VP of Membership.
How can I learn more about WNC?
You can contact the VP of Membership using the form below with any questions you may have.
New Member Informational Coffee
Meeting location
(First Wednesday of each month except December)
Temple Beth Sholom,
10700 Havenwood Lane
from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Inform the guard that you are attending a WNC meeting.
We hope to see you there!
Click on marker for driving directions to the Temple Beth Sholom
Don't see your question?
Submit this convenient form & our
VP of Membership will get back to you